How to Use Tags

Tags are a powerful feature in Sermonly, enabling users to efficiently categorize and later find specific sermons or snippets. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to harness the power of tags within the platform:

What are Tags?

Tags allow users to quickly categorize and retrieve sermons and snippets in their library. Think of them as keywords or labels that you can assign to your content.

Creating a New Tag:

  • When writing or editing a sermon or snippet, simply type # followed by your desired tag word. For instance, #truth.
  • When creating a new sermon, you can create new tags by adding them to the Tags section. 
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  • The first time you introduce a new tag, it creates that tag in Sermonly's system.
    • Example: Typing #follower for the first time will establish "follower" as a new tag.

Viewing Tag Counts:

  • Once you've added tags to your content, Sermonly keeps a count of how many times each tag is used across all sermons and snippets. You can view these counts on the left toolbar.
  • This count helps users get a quick idea of the frequency of specific topics or themes in their content.

Accessing Tagged Content:

  • To view content associated with a particular tag, simply click on the desired tag.
    • For instance, clicking on #truth will display all sermons and snippets that have been tagged with "truth".

Filter by Content Type:

  • After selecting a specific tag, you can further refine your search by content type.
    • Choose between viewing just sermons or just snippets that contain the selected tag.

Benefits of Using Tags:

  • Organization: Tags help in efficiently organizing content by topics, themes, or any other categorization method that suits your needs.
  • Quick Retrieval: Easily find specific content without having to browse through your entire library.
  • Insights: With tag counts, get a quick overview of frequently discussed topics in your content.