How to Share Your Sermons

You've created a powerful sermon in Sermonly, and now it's time to share it! Whether you want to send it directly to someone, post it online, or print a copy, Sermonly has you covered. Here are the ways you can share your message:

  • Share a Direct Link: Easily create a unique link that anyone can use to view your sermon online.
  • Export as a PDF: Download your sermon as a PDF file for easy sharing or printing.
  • Print Your Sermon: Create a physical copy of your sermon.

Steps to Share Your Sermon

  1. Navigate to your sermon library within Sermonly.
  2. Click on the sermon you want to share.
  3. Click "Details", Look in the upper right corner of the page and click on the "..." button.
  4. Choose Your Sharing Method:
    1. Share Link: Toggle this option to "On" to create a custom link. Copy the link and share away!
    2. Export as PDF: Click this option to download a PDF.
    3. Print: Click to open a printer-friendly version of your sermon to share physical copies.

Video Walkthrough